Bedwetting: A Natural Cure for an Embarrassing Condition
Bedwetting Affects Children and Teenagers Too?
When you think of “bedwetting,” most people think “children.” Would it surprise you to learn that as many as 2% of all 19 year olds still wet the bed?There are, of course, different causes of bedwetting in children and teenagers. In children, bedwetting may be an ongoing problem, where a lengthy period of dry nights has yet to be established. This is called primary enuresis (the medical terminology for bedwetting). Secondary enuresis occurs when a child or teenager begins bedwetting after having been dry through the night for an extended period.
Childhood Bedwetting Causes
If you have a bedwetting child, rest assured you have plenty of company. Childhood bedwetting is one of the most common pediatric conditions. Most girls stay dry through the night by the time they reach age six; some boys may still be bedwetters until they reach age seven. This should prove reassuring to parents who expect that their children will stay dry through the night at a much earlier age.Bedwetting in children is usually caused by some type of condition that they will eventually outgrow. Typically, bedwetting boys are no different from bedwetting girls when it comes to reasons why they wet their beds; however, boys do outnumber girls as bedwetters.
Your child may be a bedwetter because:
- You were one – 75% of all childhood bedwetters have a parent who also was one.
- The communication link between their brain and bladder isn’t mature enough yet to function properly during sleep.
- He or she is a very deep sleeper; therefore, their brain just doesn’t receive the “full bladder” signal.
- He or she may have a lower level of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH). ADH tells the kidneys to stop producing urine when you sleep.
- He or she has a smaller bladder that can’t hold urine through the night.
- Your child is constipated and the bowel is putting pressure on the bladder.
Bedwetting: Causes in Teenagers and Adults
If it’s embarrassing to be a bedwetting child – how much more shame does a bedwetting teenager face?In some cases, a teenager might never have achieved any extended period of dryness (primary enuresis); in other cases, the teenager might have been dry at night for years when he or she begins wetting the bed again (secondary enuresis).
Teenage bedwetting has a number of causes, some of which are the same as those for younger children, while some may be related to other causes or conditions:
- Lower level of the anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)
- Smaller bladder
- Deep sleeping
- Medical conditions, such as diabetes, urinary infections
- Stress or other emotional disorders, common to teenagers
Bedwetting child punished by parents image
Bedwetting Cures
Usually the parents of childhood bedwetters and teenage bedwetters try a number of different bedwetting cures, without much success. Bedwetting diapers, a bedwetting alarm that is designed to signal when the first drop of urine hits an undergarment, or even bedwetting hypnosis are common bedwetting remedies; in most cases, these solutions are unsuccessful and the bed is still wet.With bedwetting children, age is typically the “cure.” They simply outgrow it. With bedwetting teenagers, the answers aren’t always as simple, especially if they have never experienced any period of dryness. They are often frustrated, alone, ashamed and lonely, having been teased for years by everyone who found out about their “secret.”
There is an all-natural solution, however, that has demonstrated a great deal of success in eliminating the causes of bedwetting. This solution is available though the sponsors of, chiropractors who have highly developed skills and who receive years of specialized training to locate and correct the causes of bedwetting.
Don’t believe it? Need convincing? Read on…but only if you really want to stop the bedwetting!
Bedwetting Relief with All-Natural Chiropractic Care
We know you might be thinking, “Don’t chiropractors just treat people with bad necks and backs? Or people who have been in accidents or who have had some type of injury?”Not at all and this is why chiropractic care has become the most popular alternative health discipline. Chiropractic offers bedwetters a drug-free and all-natural approach to reduce, or even eliminate, the incidence of bedwetting…and it works!
How does chiropractic care help to stop bedwetting?
- Chiropractic care locates spinal misalignments that can affect the nerves that travel to the bladder and communicate with the brain.
- Chiropractic adjustments are safe and natural; there are no side effects!
- Chiropractic adjustments attempt to restore proper function to the nerves that control the muscles that are responsible for bladder control. These adjustments can be effective in reducing or even eliminating the number of “wet” nights.
Bedwetting Relief, the Natural Chiropractic Approach
All of the sponsoring chiropractors at are caring and compassionate professionals, who understand the embarrassment and shame associated with childhood and teenage bedwetting. In fact, there’s a good chance that quite a few have had first-hand experience with it themselves, either as a bedwetter or as parents of one.Chiropractors can’t claim for certain that they can help someone who is a bedwetter. However, they do know that there is a good chance that chiropractic can help stop bedwetting, or at least reduce the frequency of “wet” nights, if the bedwetting is related to a spinal misalignment.
Several research studies have explored the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments on bedwetters. In one such study, 25 % of children who received chiropractic adjustments experienced a 50 % or greater reduction in the number of wet nights. None of the children in the control group experienced this same result.
If you could be dry 50% or more of the time, wouldn’t you give chiropractic a try? Listen to the testimonials of those who have taken the “leap of faith” and found that all-natural chiropractic care is effective in reducing or eliminating the incidence of bedwetting in their homes.
Take Action Today!
Call one of the sponsors of and feel free to talk candidly about your bedwetting frustrations and concerns. Listen to countless numbers of bedwetting stories, stories of the hope and help that chiropractic gave to children and teenagers who were chronic bedwetters and who are now “dry” through the night.Call today, after all, what do you have to lose – except plenty of wet sheets, a whole lot of extra laundry, and a very unhappy child? Click here for a Choose Natural sponsor in your area.
Bedwetting Medications
Medical doctors might prescribe medication as a bedwetting cure, especially for teenagers. However, unlike drug-free chiropractic care, use of these medications can produce side effects that are just as problematic as the bedwetting itself!Listed below are some of the most frequently prescribed medications for bedwetting, along with a list of possible side effects associated with each.