Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy that involves putting tiny needles in the skin at certain points in the body to restore the flow of energy through the body. Nancy Naeve Brown met a Sioux Falls woman who is sold on it's healing nature because she no longer has hot flashes, insomnia or allergy congestion.
Linda Olson has been coming to get acupuncture from Dr. Dawn Flickema at the Sioux Falls Avera McGreevy Clinic on 69th going on 3 months now and going on 3 months she says she has never felt better.
Linda says, "I'd been having issues with hot flashes and insomnia for well over a year and anytime I don't have to take a pill I'm for it."
Dr. Flickema says, "It's not a hollow needle like you draw blood with. It's a solid stainless steel sterile needle when I put the needle in I'm looking for specific anatomic landmarks as to where the meridian is for the person I'm trying to fix. What I do is twist the needle down to hit the specific cells associated with the meridian."
The needles in her leg are helping with hot flashes, insomnia and respiratory issues.
Dr. Flickema says, "The Chinese or oriental theory is that illness is because energy through the meridian is not flowing through the meridian. So what you are doing with acupuncture is unblocking that channel to provide relief or benefit of the problem."
Linda says, "Dr. Flickema is a lifesaver. I sleep 5 to 6 hours at night now and I used to wake up every hour on the hour. Very rarely do I have a hot flash."
Since acupuncture has resolved her insomnia, hot flashes and allergy congestion Linda has now moved on to weight loss. She's already dropped 5 pounds in the last month. Linda says something that's been around for 5000 years certainly has a history of healing behind it and it's made a loyal believer out of her.
Dr. Flickema says 3 symptoms is the most she will treat at one time and typically doesn't use more than 10 needles in a session. Once the needles are in place, patients will sit for 20 minutes. Linda says she is so relaxed she falls sound asleep. Dr. Flickema says it usually takes about 10 sessions to alleviate symptoms.
For more information call 605-322-5240 or visit
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